Tuesday, March 2, 2010

And HGH hits the Mets

Ny Times is reporting that investigators are looking into Beltran and Delgado for possible HGH abuse. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/03/sports/baseball/03galea.html

Hope Springs Eternal

From Brendan (AKA The optimist)

First spring training game is in less than a half an hour. (That is good)
Reyes nailed the first intrasquad pitch he saw for a triple. (Also good)
I am likely to make an extremely bold prediction concerning Oliver Perez. I just need to see him throw one pitch to one live batter wearing another team's logo. (That's insane. But curious)
Finally; If anybody knows the dangers of putting pressure on a young player before their spikes are paid for its Daryl Strawberry.
Yet, his comments about Jenrry Mejia were nothing short of ballsy. I am just taking some quotes from his statement because I do not want to take other sites and sources and put them on our blog. (Really its Erik's Blog since he had the genius idea of getting a bunch of Met fans from all over the country who discusses the team in such a multi-opinionated way. Which reminds me. Erik; Can you put this on the blog site as I am having World Wide Web difficulties?)
Daryl Said: "You know how something happens every spring that no one expects? "I already know what it is this year ... that Mejia kid. Did you see him today?"
He goes on to make a comparison that is so bold I am not sure it was a fake web site. I can not emphasize enough that this is Daryl Strawberry we are talking about. A guy who now makes his living teaching young players to avoid the traps that he had fallen into. He is also a member of the 1996 World Champion Yankees. (He was ours first) That gave him a birds-eye view of the zygote stages of one pitcher's career that grew into nothing short of a present legend future ... I would say hall of famer but lets face it. As much as I hate the Yankees, when Mariano Rivera is eligible for the Hall, not only will he be a first ballot winner, he will probably have the largest vote percentage since Lou Gehrig.
And Daryl Says:
"I know, I know," Strawberry said. "But did you see his ball move? Awesome. That ball cuts. It's natural, too." Then he lowered his voice, lest he share his observation with the world. "I honestly can say I've never seen anyone else throw a pitch like that except for Mariano."

He watched Mejia pitch from 3 different angles yesterday then went to Jerry and said: "Do you know what you have there? I mean, do you realize who that is throwing out there? That's your next closer. That's your Mo Rivera."
If anybody else had said this I would call it a Mets P.R. Stunt or a pre-trade hype attempt. But this is Straw. He is well aware of his own shortcomings and who he could have been. For him to say this out loud. Let alone with the media around. (That's...Amazin')